Lloyd College of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research , Greater Noida, has the privilege of maintaining a herbal garden within the campus with more than 80 species of important medicinal and aromatic plants. The garden is attached with the Pharmacy Building and its main purpose is to carry out experimental work, serves an important tool for teaching and research, to preserve and promote the medicinal values of the plants which grow mostly wild, in our surrounding and whose properties are beneficial in maintaining a balance between man and nature. Herbal gardens are the precious source of raw material for medicinal remedies used in primary health care. The herbal garden generally consists of all the herbs which have medicinal and aromatic properties.
Presently medicinal and aromatic plants are becoming increasingly economically important due to growing demand for herbal products to cure different diseases. Number of advantages are gained from the establishment of herbal garden as is ready fresh natural resource available for ingredients medicinally.
Keeping in view the importance of herbal garden Lloyd School of Pharmacy has established an Herbal Garden where more than 80 rare, threatened and commercially important medicinal plants have been introduced from various regions of Northern India for cultivation and propagation.